Monday, February 25, 2008

Technology In Futuer

As you see, technology has advantage and disadvantages that affect life in different ways. Technology has made life easier and saves time in different fields such as, communications, education, and business. However, technology has created problems in society and people's health. People can use technology to get benefit in work and life. But sometimes people use technology in the wrong way for personal benefit such as, when the spread wrong and dangerous information that frightens people. I see that people need to respect technology and use it in the right way to enhance the advantages and minimize disadvantages of technology. The use of technology today has encouraged people to create other technology that will benefit us in the future for communication, education, health, etc.

Sunday, February 24, 2008

Disadveantages Of Technology.............

Technology creates health problems. For example, the development of mobile phones brought many advantages to the world. Communications between people are easier and faster. However, the mobile has brought disadvantages that cannot be ignored. Symptoms caused by the radiation of mobile phones. "Many scientists believe that the radiation from the mobile phones may cause the users to have different symptoms such as headache, earaches, blurring of vision and even causing cancer." ( Also, the computer creates health problems with people who spend large amounts of time working with computer in workstation. For example, the wrong type of chair or desk caused Lower Back Pain. Also, while typing when one it moving the neck up and down, left and right too much it cases Neck Pain. The other health problems cased by computer are Pain Wrists and Fingers and Strain in the eyes. Also, musical droop when to set a long time in the same way. Computer, mobile phone and other technology create health problems.

Disadveantages Of Technology.............

Technology creates health problems. For example, the development of mobile phones brought many advantages to the world. Communications between people are easier and faster. However, the mobile has brought disadvantages that cannot be ignored. Symptoms caused by the radiation of mobile phones. "Many scientists believe that the radiation from the mobile phones may cause the users to have different symptoms such as headache, earaches, blurring of vision and even causing cancer." ( Also, the computer creates health problems with people who spend large amounts of time working with computer in workstation. For example, the wrong type of chair or desk caused Lower Back Pain. Also, while typing when one it moving the neck up and down, left and right too much it cases Neck Pain. The other health problems cased by computer are Pain Wrists and Fingers and Strain in the eyes. Also, musical droop when to set a long time in the same way. Computer, mobile phone and other technology create health problems.

Disadveantages Of Technology

Technologies create many problems in society. For example, technology creates financial problems in families because most technologies are very expensive to buy, like computers, televisions and refrigerators. People who cannot buy this kind of technology live stressful life. Another thing that technology has created is diversity in employment. Today without a degree or certificate young people cannot get good jobs. This is a problem for people who don't go to school to get education. Unemployment rate increases because of this problem. The other major problem technology creates is dominant culture. People use different methods to know the customs and traditions in other countries. People admire these customs and traditions and try to change how to act, dress and behave. Sometimes this change creates problems in the society because it is different from the customs and traditions the society has. All in all, technology is the primary cause resulting in dominant culture.
A main advantage of technology is it makes communication between people easy and quicker. The telephone has brought people closer together in the sense that distance did not inhibit a phone call. People can communicate with each other around the globe by simply text messaging used e-mail or instant messages (IM). Business people use the internet to do business with other different countries. They can contact their employers by using internet. "Rapid communications and information transmission have helped to transform workplaces around the world."(Ruggiero, 1999, p.111) Also, modern communication allows banking to be done electronically. All in all, communication has changed the world economy.
There are more advantages in technologies than disadvantages. The first and the major advantages of technology is that makes life easier to live and save time. For example, at home you can use microwave ovens to cook food easily without using any stoves and making a big mess and dishwashers to put all dirty dishes into them and it washes them automatically. At school, the teacher has different machines that can be used to teach the information to students easily. For example, teachers can use some computer programs and a projector to explain the subject. Also, students can use the internet as an educational tool for schoolwork. In all fields you can see technology has made work very easily and more effective.
Technology is knowledge of using tools and machines to do tasks more efficiently. Technology has become a very important part of our lives nowadays. People are always trying to find something new that will improve our lives dramatically. Some of the discoveries that have really changed our lives are the computer, telephone, internet and e-mail, television and mobile. The technology that surrounds almost everyone in the modern society affects both work and recreational activities. Everything has a positive and a negative effect on our lives and so does technology. Technology may be very helpful but it can sometimes be very harmful. I am going to describe some of the advantages and disadvantages of modern technology.